Conquer It Part 2

In order to solidify your understanding of analyzing text structure, respond to the questions after reading the final section of the article.  Considering what you have learned, briefly recall the author’s central idea and the text structures used throughout, especially within the last two sections.

"Scientists study mystery of popcorn: why does it jump and make noise?"opens in new window

Look, Listen, Then Taste

13 They brainstormed three possible reasons for the noise. They thought it happened when the hull cracked, when the kernel bounced after exploding, or when the water vapor was released. To figure out the right answer, they used microphones to study when exactly the popcorn made the noise. They put the microphones very close to the hot plate, and used the cameras as well.

14 There was no sound when the popcorn first opened, which told the researchers that the hull was not causing the noise. Soon, they realized that the hull actually cracks twice. They heard the pop noise 6 milliseconds after the second crack.

15 They used the process of elimination to conclude that the trigger for the popping sound was the release of water vapor.

16 At the end of a long day of experiments, the researchers would usually enjoy a snack of the popcorn they tested together.

- Newselaopens in new window, February 22, 2015