Review It

Using the knowledge you have gained, continue reading and thinking about the most important idea that the author wants you to learn from this article. 

Remember to ask yourself:

  • What is the central idea?
  • How has the central idea changed or become clearer from the last section I read?
  • What evidence supports my growing understanding of this topic or concept? 

As you continue synthesizing the evidence that supports the central idea, ask yourself:

  • Is the evidence significant?
  • Is the evidence relevant?

In the following activities, you will read the remainder of the article, synthesize the evidence presented, and determine the author’s central idea.

Now read the final two sections of the Newsela article "Florida finds favor with sea turtles; more are nesting on state beaches"opens in new window and then complete the activity below.

Federal and State Protections

15 UCF scientist Kate Mansfield is trying to figure out what those threats are by attaching miniature tracking instruments to young loggerheads.

16 “I’m especially interested in their early, developmental years,” Mansfield said. “There is very little known about what they do, and I think their behavior offshore may have some part in what we see in nesting.”

17 There is wide agreement that Florida and federal protections have contributed significantly to the survival of sea turtles, especially green turtles. They were about to disappear from Florida in the 1970s.

18 “Once we got to 1978, restaurateurs had to get all the green-turtle steaks out of their freezers, and green-turtle soup disappeared from menus. Most people stopped killing them, and guess what, they came back,” Ehrhart said.

Cut The Lights!

19 Laws protecting turtles and their nests have been accompanied by better attitudes among communities in dimming their seashore lights. Green turtles, in particular, are spooked by artificial lighting, scientists say.

20 Mansfield said green turtles may have once had a large presence on Florida shores and are now regaining long-lost turf.

21 The story with leatherbacks is even less clear. Although their numbers are declining sharply along Pacific Ocean beaches, they are rising on Atlantic Ocean beaches, Ehrhart said.

22 “That has sort of spilled over to Florida,” he said. “I don’t think anybody knows the reason for this. Between the time they hit the water as hatchlings and the time they come back 800- or 900-pound adults, there are hardly any records of them appearing anywhere.”

23 He added, “It’s a real head-scratcher where leatherbacks are spending their growing-up years.”

- Newselaopens in new window, November 5, 2014