Try It

Complete the activity below to practice identifying the claim and assessing the evidence and reasoning provided to support the claim.

  • When identifying the claim, think about the most important thing the author wants you to know about the topic.
  • Look for evidence from facts, examples or research findings that the author uses to support the claim.
  • Think about how the evidence is connected to the claim when identifying reasoning in the text.

Read the first four paragraphs of the Newsela article "Hurricane forecasting enters the drone era"opens in new window.

1 A bunch of Coyotes will be let loose in hurricanes this year. Their mission will be to improve hurricane forecasts.

2 The small pilotless aircraft, or drones, were developed after Hurricane Sandy and will be tested for the first time this hurricane season. They’ll be launched into the eye of tropical systems to detect barometric pressure changes.

3 What they find should help the National Hurricane Center get a better handle on how strong a storm could become. Hurricane season runs from June to November.

4 "It’s an innovative way to measure the atmosphere," said Jason Dunion, a hurricane researcher for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

- Newselaopens in new window, June 11, 2014