Conquer It Part 2

One of the most powerful claims that the author makes in the previous article is that humans have had a tremendously negative impact on many species that are now extinct; however, all hope is not lost. If we change our behavior, we may be able to protect, conserve and save the species that currently exist.

Now read the following excerpt from the Newsela article "Big Trout makes a comeback from near extinction"opens in new window. As you read, think about the conservation efforts and resulting impact that is explained in this article.

PYRAMID LAKE, Nev. - Brian Dunn flicked his fly line into the azure water. Before long, it straightened and a smile spread on his face. A 6-pound, 25-inch-long cutthroat trout was soon splashing in the net.

What made his catch special was a yellow ID tag near its dorsal fin. This was no ordinary fish, but one that scientists once thought was extinct: the Pyramid Lake Lahontan cutthroat, the largest inland trout in North America.

"It's a great day when you can bring back a species from extinction," said Dunn. "It's kind of sad these events are so rare."

The torpedo-shaped trout with orange-red cheeks and sparkling rose-pink stripes can grow as large as salmon. It lived in the desert lake near Reno when Pyramid was part of a much larger body of water called Lake Lahontan, tens of thousands of years ago. From near extinction to stunning recovery, its comeback is a rare win for threatened and endangered species.

Now complete the activity below.