Type your answers in the blanks and click Submit.

Type “pro” in the blank if the evidence is presented as a pro or benefit of desalination, and type “con” in the blank if the evidence is presented as a cost of desalination.

  1. The water will cost almost double the most expensive current supply.
  2. The desalination project will be a reliable water source for the people of San Diego County.
  3. Desalination may harm marine life.
  4. The desalination project will convert seawater into drinking water.
  5. The cost of imported water will probably increase, making desalination a viable option.
  6. Desalination requires a great deal of electricity to run.
  7. There are fine-woven nets that will allow the small marine life through.
  8. The project is estimated to cost $1 billion.
  9. The plant would meet seven percent of the annual water demand.
  10. Water customers will pay for the plant through their water bills, at an increase of $5 per month.
